Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hamster or Gerbil?

We are going to have a new creature in our classroom thanks to!  We have the habitat, now I just need to decide, should I get a hamster or a gerbil?
I need your help.  What information do I need to have in order to make a good choice?  Some questions we discussed today are:  Are they both nocturnal?  Do they stink?  Should I get a male or female?  How much do they eat?  What should we name him or her?  Should we name him or her after a Greek god like our box turtle Poseidon?

Do some research or give me some information based on your prior knowledge and leave me a comment.

Thanks for your help!
Mr. Lewis


  1. I think you should get a Gerbil because remember what Hazel said about Hamsters dieing quickly. I think that if we get a male we should name him Falcon but if we get a female we should name her Atheana.I don't care if you get a male or a female but get one of them.


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  3. I found this information on the internet:
    If you are debating on whether to get a hamster, or a gerbil as a rodent pet, I would suggest you get a gerbil. Unlike Hamsters, who are nocturnal, gerbils are active during the day. These little guys are so interesting to watch. They run around, chew on things, bury food, and other things. Also, hamsters urinate constantly, but Gerbils only urinate every so often, so your gerbil cage almost never smells.


  4. Two of my friends have four gerbils and one of them bit me a lot. I am afraid to hold a mean gerbil. They are so scary. I hope we get a round ball for our new pet to roll around the classroom. It will be funny.


  5. I think you should get a gerbil because they're cuter than hamsters,and they live longer than hamsters. My suggestion of a name is Athena. That would require us getting a girl.

  6. I think we should get a girl gerbil because boy gerbils have puffy bumps on their botums. We should name it Boo! M.J.

  7. I think we should get a gerbil because they are awake at day and are active and are always playing about.


  8. I think we should get a female gerbil. I think we shouldn't get a hamster because they are nocturnal, and they play on their wheels at night time. That means that they sleep during the day! I also want to be able to see them being active. Hamster cages get very stinky very quickly because the pee a lot and gerbils pee a lot less often than hamsters do. Hamsters also fight a lot when they are young. I think we should name the girl gerbil Athena like Poseidon the Box Turtle.


  9. hi this is Michaela!I think we should get a girl & I agree with the name Athena. That is a very creative idea. Mr. Lewis here is some ed vice about gerbil & hamsters. Bolth love hay & crunchy meals! They also like to eat fruit. I think you should make a vote for every kid that posts a comment & see who wants a hamster & see who wants a gerbil.

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  11. I think you should get a gerbil, because gerbils are more active and hamsters smell more and are nocturnal. I think if you get a boy, you should name it either Zeus or Apollo; if you get a girl, you should name her Athena.


  12. Mr.Lewis you should not get a gerbil because you have to always clean out their cage because they pee or poo were ever they want to.


  13. I think we should get a gerbil because hamsters sleep all day. I don't see the point in having a nocturnal pet.


  14. gerbils are active hamsters are not. hamsters cage smell bad gerbils cages don't. that is what I read off the internet.

  15. I think we should get a gerbil because they live longer. They don't bite that much. They are also very active. They are ok alone. You should know that if the cage is not securely closed the gerbil can get out!


  16. I think we should get a hamster because gerbils are cousins of the rats. I like the name Sonic because hamsters are hyper.


  17. I think we should get a gerbil because gerbils are sleep and play several times during the day. They like to explore new places. I think we need two because they do better with a friend.

  18. Gerbils are desert animals. They don't need alot of water and we would only have to clean the cage every two weeks.

  19. Mr. Lewis, you should get a female gerbil because males mark their cage more and so they stink more. Girls are smarter too :)
    This is Marcel's mom

    I think we should name it Athena :D


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  21. I think we should name them Zeus and Athena like Poseidon the box turtle.

