Friday, December 11, 2009

Describe a scene


Jack and Annie own a Magic Tree House. Jack is a boy who falls asleep a lot with brown hair. Annie has blond curly hair. She makes wishes in the Magic Tree House to go to places. Jack and Annie are both very cool and interesting. You'll see if you read the book. In this story Jack and Annie go to Camelot and have Christmas in Camelot. People in Camelot are dying,so Jack and Annie go save Camelot. On their way they see a red scaled dragon that is evil. Camelot is a dangerous place with a lot of castles. These castles were big they were about 900 feet tall. Camelot is not a real place it is made up by the author.


1 comment:

  1. JMO,

    I love this series. Have you read the non-fiction companions to these fiction stories? They are excellent books. What makes Jack and Annie so interesting and cool?
