Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Raft Story

Dear Sparky,

Remember when we were stuck in that filament?
Well guess what I got to go through a whole circuit!
It was awesome. First, we were all pent up in the battery,but when someone
closed the circuit we all zoomed out the positive side of the battery.
Then, we went through a long wire to a switch ,but when we got to the there someone opened the circuit. It was incomplete. Then, suddenly it was complete again. we raced through the filament , and zoomed through the negative side of the battery. The only bad part was when there was insulator and no conductor. Still it was awesome

Love you,
Shocker H.S.


  1. Nice job! I love your postcard. You had great vocabulary.

  2. Current Pullen
    Current, C.O.
    Dear Light,
    The wierdest thing happened to me this weekend. While me and wire were making stuff work, something or should I say someone came early. It was opened circuit all fired up and ready to go. He usualy doesn't come unless there was a power outage, or someone wasn't working.But this time it was different,it was a lightning strike. It wasn't that different because the lightning strike caused a power outage. Then, I thought,"Is it a power outage or did something else happen?" The next thing I knew, my + and - sides almost got bit off by open circuits dog. Finnaly, switch came andopen circuit became closed ciruit or complete circuit. Everyone started working again. Thats how bad my weekend went


  3. HS,

    I also loved it! Really excellent writing that demonstrates your knowledge of how circuits work.

  4. Dear H.S.,
    Great post!I loved the details you put in.I think it really shows what you learned during this lesson.

