Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Our Changing Earth

Parents: Third and fourth grade scientists have been learning about our "Changing Earth".  This week, we took much of what we have learned to study the erosion of Niagara Falls.

Third and Fourth Grade Scientists:  This week our question was:  Will Niagara Falls be around in 20 years?  Will they be around in 100 years?  If so, how long will it take for the falls to erode back to Lake Erie?  Please answer this question and explain the process you went through to find out. (Answer the question as a comment by clicking on the "comments" link below.)

Below is a link to some interesting information about Niagara Falls and a video that you can watch at home that has some spectacular views of the falls.


Here's some really interesting information about Niagara Falls.


  1. niagra falls will not be thier in 100 years because it will take 9240 years. we got a string and mesherd the distence.and then we did some adding and got the answer.

  2. I think the video was wicked!!!


  3. I think niagara falls will still be here in 100 years because i figured it out on a calculater.VPZ

  4. N.M and I measured on a map the distance from Niagara Falls to Lake Erie with a string and then held it up against a ruler and came up with a measurement from the ruler, which we compared to the scale on the map to get miles (4 inches = 8 miles). We compared the 8 miles to the rate of erosion of the waterfall and calculated with a calculator that 8 miles would take 10,560 years to erode. So the falls will definetly be around for 20 and 100 years.


  5. What I did was, was: I took a string and got the awnser. Then * It by two. Finaly I used a cauculater and that prouvs that Niagra falls will be here in 600-1000 years.


  6. What we did was figerd out how many years it will take to ewrod . How we figerd it out is we toke a map of Niagra Falls and measherd the distance bettween Horeshoe Falls and Niara Falls . Then we addad up and got our answer and I got 11,880.

  7. It will take 1,560 years. First we had to measure from Horseshoe falls to lake Erie. Then we had to calculate it to miles.


  8. I got the answer by measuring with string. On the map when I was done measuering the distance from Niagara Falls to Lake Erie I got 4,and 4 on the map means 8 miles. So how I got my answer is by calculating. My answer was 10,560.
