Saturday, December 18, 2010

Winter Break

I just left Denver yesterday and I am now in El Paso, TX and I am visiting the cutest baby ever my cousin Eloise who is just 4 months old and I've never seen her before. She is very cute and her smile is adorable. She has not grown teeth yet but she likes to bite on her hands. I hope to see you guys when we return from winter break in January 2011. If you would like to post a comment to my post please do. I will check the blog every day for comments.


  1. I'm your cousin and I like your post

  2. I'm your cousin and I helped you with the beginning of this post.

  3. I'm glad you are having a good time HC. I'll bet it is warmer in El Paso than in Denver. It is 23 degrees this morning here.

    Enjoy your family and we will see you soon.

  4. Right now I'm at my cousins house for dinner. Tomorrow we are coming back to Denver :( I wish I could spend a little more time here.

  5. Dear H.C.
    Hi I am Michaela and I thought that was an interesting story. I wanted to tell you about a trip I went on . This had to deal with measuring. When we were getting ready to take a trip to Californa we had to figure out if we could bring mouth wash and it had to be a sertant amount of liqued. So we looked at the back of the bottle and sawl that it was over the limit of liqued. I thought it was only going to be a couple ounces but you can never go right with measuring!


