Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where Do You Live?

I would like to introduce you to some animals that live in Colorado.  They are going to identify themselves, tell what Life Zone they live in and tell why that Life Zone is an ideal place for them to live.


  1. I am a bald eagle. I live in the Sub alpine tundra zone. Here is why. One reason is there is a lot of rodents for me to eat,and they are yummy.
    Another reason why I like to live in the Sub alpine zone is the big pine trees for my big nest.
    The last reason I live there is I love to hunt fish in the waterfalls and lakes. That's why I live in the Sub alpine zone.


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  3. I am a pika . I live in the alpine tundra witch is 11,000-12,000 feet witch is the hiest range. I live there beuase I am native to the alpine tundra. I alsow like it there beacuse I dry grass on rocks. Then when it is dry I store my winter food in the dry grass.that is why I am native to clorado.


  4. I am a ptarmigan.I live in the Alpine Tundra.I live there because in winter I am good blending in with the snow to hide from predators. I use my feathers to keep warm for winter.I live in up in the mountions because I can swoop down and get the food i need to survive that lives in the high,high elevation. I love the tall trees so I can make my nest. That's why I love the Alpine Tundra.


  5. I am a Pika. I live in the Alpine Tundra Life Zone. Here's why: We live here because of the grass and the rocks, that's how we get food. I live there because there aren't very many predators so I won't get eaten. I can also scamper to a hole in the ground easily.


  6. My Animal
    Hi , i am Pike the Pika.I live in the alpine tundra!i collect grass in the summer and set it on rocks to dry.once the grass gets dry i store it for the winter.other predetord don't live here because of the harsh conditions.i am native to the alpine tundra and that is why i live here.


  7. I'm a pika. I live in the Alpine Tundra life zone. Here's why:I'm a mammal so I can stay warm during winter. To store food during winter I warm grass on a rock then store it in my house. So that's how I live.

  8. Hi,I am a pika.I live in the alpine tundra life zone.Here's why.I scamper across the tundra floor to gather grass.Once I gather enough grass I put it in tiny piles on sun heated rocks to let it dry out.Once it's dryed out I take it back to my burrow,and store it for winter food.


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  10. I'm a pika. I live in the Alpine Tundra life zone. Here's why:I'm a mammal so I can stay warm during winter. To store food during winter I warm grass on a rock then store it in my house. So that's how I live.


  11. My animal is the Black Bear,
    i live in the Montane Forest life zone. Here's why,it has very nice weather for us in the Montane forest. Are predtors ,weasels and Martens also live there. The Rocky Strembeds provide shelter for the fish. Including the Green Back Cutthroat Trout. And we also like to be up high in the mountains.

  12. I am a Pika. I live in the Alpine Tundra Life Zone. Her's why: I live in the Alpine Tundra because I can scamper into small spots and lay against warm rocks. I also live in the Alpine Tundra Life Zone because I don't have to worry about large animals and finding a nice home. We live in rocky areas and don't need a huge place to live.


  13. I`m a Pika.I live in the alpine tundra life zone.Here`s why.i live in the alpine tundra because I help the grass to grow by picking it up and setting it down next to a sun-warmed rocks.Up here,I can live in a peaceful places and no predators can eat me,"HA!!"


  14. Hello, my name is Pika. I live in the alpine tundra.
    Here's why.
    Only small plants grow in my home. Luckily for me, that's all I eat! I would provide a great meal for a hungry predator, but they don't live up here. The harsh conditions of the top mountains are not provided for those hungry animals who consider me a snack. Why, the storms up here would eat them for breakfast! How do I manage it? Well, my small figure eludes ligtning, and my ability to burrow keeps me warm. This is the Pika zone!


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  16. I am a water pipit. I live in the Montane Forest life zone. Heres why. I blend in because the top of me is brown so I won't get seen that easily . I eat insects and theres lots of them in the Montane Forest. That is why the Montane Forest is my home.

  17. I am a pack rat. I live in the subalpine life zone. Here's why. I love it here because there are so many shiny objects and there are lots of broke terrain so it makes a good habitat for me. And the best thing of all about the subalpine is there is very little snakes. So very little of die. There is also plenty of vegetables for us.This is why we love the sulbpine.


  18. I'm a cottontLCail rabbit. I live in the shrub and woodland. I love to live there because of all of the food and rain. The low bushes can protect me from predators like coyotes, gray foxes, bobcats and mountain lions. SCARY! I still love my home!!


  19. I am a patch of pink moss. I live in the Alpine Tundra. Here's why. The Alpine Tundra is the highest life zone, and the cold air is good for me. At altitude, there's the perfect amount of moisture for a fungus like me to grow. There are plenty of big rocks for me to hide from to protect me from the harsh winds. This is why the Alpine Tundra is my home.


  20. I am a chipmunk I live in the alpine forest life zone i live here because there are so many trees for me to climb and nuts to eat and i can run around freely and when it gets cold i have a nice warm burrow that i can sleep in i luv where i live


  21. I am a Pika. I live in the Alpine Tundra Life Zone. Here's why. I live here because of the grass and rocks for me to hide in. In winter I have the ability to burrow in the ground to keep me warm. The Alpine Tundra also has lots of grass for me to eat. That's why I live here.


  22. Hello!i am am a Blue forget-me-not i hide behind big rocks that are in the alpine tundra!the reson i do this is because the breez up here is not nice!that mean wind will come and steal all my moisture since its so cold up here i have to go under ground all the time and thats why i live in the alpine tundra

  23. I'm a blue spruce tree. I live in Montane Forest life zone. I am a Colorado and Utah State tree. I am proud to be a Coloradoan and a Utahan. In order for my kind to grow, we have to live in a wet and cool area. I am also called a Piceapungens. I have to live in the Montane Forest because it is very flat there. If I live on a hill it will get too stiff for me to live there and I'll die. I love where I live because it's wet, cool and flat. It's my perfect habitat.


  24. Hello i`m a blue forget me not.I live in the alpine tundra.I hide behind rocks to get away from the strong winds of the tundra.The strong winds will take my moisture and soon I will die,but I also like the wind because the wind carries my eggs to a new place so they can grow into new Forget Me nots.


  25. I am an American Dipper. I live in the Subalpine Forest life zone. Why? Here's a reason, because of the wet and cool moisture that I really, really love. All the skinny and thin trees around here provide a place for my nest. You may be thinking Why is a really thin tree is a good home for me? Well,they're really tall,and provide lots of room. For dinner,a tasty little critter like a chipmunk would fill me right up. And that's why I live in the Subalpine Forest life zone.


  26. I am a weasel.
    I live in the montain forest life zone because there are chipmunks, mice, shrews, squirrels for me to eat. I also live there because it is warm and there are no predators to eat me. I mate in the summer. There are only two kinds of weasels in Colorad, the short-tailed weasel and the long-tailed weasel.

  27. Hi I'm a chipmunk
    I live in the Shrub and Woodland life zone. I can hide from my predators with my friends because of the low shrubs. Some of the my friends are the Cottontail rabbit,Ground squirrels, and mice. My predators on the other hand are the coyotes,Gray Foxs,Bobcats,and Moutain lions. I mostly eat nuts and seeds and gather them in my burrow. Oh no, I need to leave rite now a coyote spotted me.


  28. I'm a chipmunk. I live in the shrub and woodland life zone. Heres why. Me and my friends cottontail rabbit, ground squirel, hide in bushes to get away from predators. We run from coyotes, gray foxes, bobcats, and mountain lions almost every day. This is why I live in the shrub and woodland life zone.
