Thursday, February 10, 2011

Will It Work?

Question: How can we tell the difference between a complete and incomplete circuit?

Planning: First, we talk about the system we did not put together. Then, we predict how it's going to work.

1: How did you make your predictions?

I made my predictions by, Most of the experiments were simple you just had to know tricky tricks in the experiments. I'll tell you two or one. The wires need to be touching the contacts(metal) so the energy can run through. How about you can figure out the second one. Remeber use a lot of knowledge! So when I look at the picture the wires were touching all metal so thats how I figured it would work.

2: How did the results surprise me?

I figured that under the battery covering there's metal. When you connect the wire to the metal column of the battery with no covering the light bulb might light up. If it doesn't work, your battery might be dead, or your light bulb might be out.

3: Explain why "E" didn't work.

When you look at the picture, you can see that the other part of the middle wire is not closed to the other part of the battery so it's not complete.

4: Why did people get different results for "C"?

As I said in paragraph 2, people got different results because if you leave the cover on the battery it will not work, but if you take it off, it will work.



  1. SS -

    I assume this is the boy SS in my room, because I think we looked at this together yesterday..

    Great writing! This sounds like you. I want you to be sure to share this with your family this weekend, they should be very proud.

    Mr. L

  2. Will it work prediction's

    1 How did you make your predictions?
    I made my predictions by useing my schema.

    2 Did any of the experines suprise you?
    No none of the experines suprised me.

    3 why did E not work?
    "E" did not work because it did not have the four connections.

    why did C work for some people and not others?
    "C" worked for some people because they did not have an instaliter.

  3. 1. I made my predictions by checking to see if the questions were right and I also went back into my scemah and made my predictions.

    2. Yes the one that surprised me was letter E because some people got the awnser yes and some no because of the insolater.

    3. E


    Questoin: How can we tell the difference between a complete curcuit, and a complete curcuit?

    Plan: Look at system A. Predict if it will work or not. Write yes or no. Then use the mateirials to see if you are correct.

    1. I made my predictions by: the wires have to connect to the +, and the - sides. It also has to have 4 connectoins. It takes your schema to.

    2. Letter C suprised me because some worked because the insulator was not there. Some didn't work because the insulator was there. It suprised me because some worked, and some ididn't.

    3. E did not work because it didn't have all the 4 connections.

    4. Some people got different answers for C because some peole had a insulator, and some didn't have an insulator.


  5. 1. how did you make your prediction?

    I made my predictions by checking that the positive and negative sides of the battery were connected. Ialso made sure that all four contacts were made. I also used my brain.

    2.did any of the results surprise you?

    Nothing surprised me when I was testing the ideas out because somethings lit and somethings didnt.

    3. E didnt work because the wires were only connected to the positive or negative side of the battery.

  6. You really. Put a picture in my mind Ireally under stud what you said.It was a cool.
