1. How did you make your predictions?
I made my prediction by checking if it had positive and negative energy and all of the white wires are touching the right contacts. I also made sure the positive and the negative energy had wires hooked up to it and the other ends of the wires were touching a light bulb or motor.
2. Did any of the results surprise you?
Many of the results surprised me because many of the ways that we tried didn't work and most of them had positive and negative energy.
3. Why did "e" not work?
"E" did not work because it did not have positive and negative energy so it was called an open or incomplete circuit. You need positive and negative energy to make a closed or complete circuit.
4. Why did people get different results for "C"?
People got different results for "C" because some people had plastic around their batteries. Some people did not. Energy can not flow past plastic, but it can pass through metal.
Question 1: How did you make your predictions?
Answer: I made myy predictions by using of what I already know. For example to light a light-bulb you have to have a wire and a battery. And you have to connect one end of the wire touching the other end.
Question 2: Did any of the results suprise you?
Answer: None of the predictions suprised me because I knew all of my predictions would work.
Question 3: Why did "e" not work?
Answer: It didn't work because, some people got different answers.
Question 4: Why did people get different answers for "c"?
Answer:Some people got different answers because some groups had batterys with no plastic.
1. Using my knolege of where things need to go, I breezed through this light bulb stuff. The light bulb needs to be touching somthing on the bottom and the silver side. The battery, top and bottom. On E andF, I used my knolege of ciricts. On E, the motor isn't plugged into the positive AND the negetive. EASY.
2. None of the the rusults surprised me. I got them all correct!
3. C only worked for like two groups. The batteries that had the plastic covering did not work. The plastic served as an inslator.
4. E did not work for anyone. For it to work, the motor wires would need to be connected to both the positive and negetive parts parts of the battery.