Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Third Grade Mathematicians

We just completed unit 2 and the third graders worked on an artifact to put in their portfolios to demonstrate their learning of a math concept in unit 2.
Third graders, please write me a comment and answer the following questions:

  1. What is your portfolio item?  Describe it in detail.  
  2. What math did you have to do?  How does this show that you know how to add and subtract whole numbers?
  3. What do you think of your work?  Would you do anything different next time?

Do your best with your work.  Be a good mathematician and explain all of your thinking.

skip-count pattern

I chose the skip-count pattern so I can learn how to count by 2,3,4, and 6.I was thinking that it was going to be easy and I was right it was easy.well that's all I have to say .
by . DG

Friday, October 23, 2009

Third Grade Bloggers

This morning our fourth grade blogging experts are pairing with third grade to show them how to sign in to this blog, how to post and how to leave someone a comment.

Fourth graders, have your third grade partners leave a comment to this post and answer these questions:

What is your name (initials only...)?  What is your partner's name?  What have we posted to the blog so far?  And, what is the best part about blogging?

When you go home this weekend, log on to the blog and leave another comment with you parents.

Thank you!

Farm Animals

My portfolio product was Farm Animals, to do it you had to find out out how many animals the farmer sold.

I learned advanced coputation.

I am very proud of my work. But next time I will try to do most of it in my head.


Skip-Count Pattern

What I chose was a Skip-Count Pattern.I had to skip count by 2s,3s,4s,and 6s.I lernd how to cont by 4s and 6s.I allso lernd multapliying by 4s and 6s.Yes I like the way it is.What I did well is multaplying by 6s.I will leav it the same.

Portfolieo itme

The name of it is Baseball Salaries. What you have to do is choose how much money players get in baseball and how much you would get if you were a player. I learned about grafts. Next time I will choose the median faster, because it is harder to subtract all the numbers than to just guess the median. It was kind of hard.I had to add all the #'s together and see if I wanted the sum or the median. So it was pretty hard in the long run.

Calculating Combination

My product is about how to multiplyText Color the number of ice cream to the number of toppings. 2. I learned different ways to do multipication like using letters instead of numbers. 3. I think I did good with showing my work.I think I could maybe write longer sentenceser .

Thursday, October 22, 2009

1.Whats my rule is like my rulePolygon sides.Is like whats my rule but you use shapes instof number.2.I lrned add with polygons.3.I will explan it beter.

Pyramid power

My portfolio item is pyramid power . when you double up you double by threes . when you double sideways you double regularly. I learned to double better by threes. Next time I would write my problems a little smaller.

Farm Animals

My portfolio product is farm animals. It's where you have to figure out how to make five hundred dollars selling cows for twenty dollars each , horses for ten and pigs for five. But there is only fifty animals.

While doing this activity I did addition and subtraction . I also did problem solving and guessing.

Yes, I am happy with my portfolio product. I was really good with showing my work. Next time I will make it neater and probably choose a more challenging problem.


farm animals for sale

My portfolio problem is a problem about a farmer who needs to make $500 but he doesn't know what animals to sell and how many. The math I learned was problem solving, multiplication and addition. I'm happy with how it went. Next time I'll make it neat.


Super Sundaes

My portfolio product is Super Sundaes. You had to figure out how many toppings you could get with each ice-cream flavor,and also do some writing. I think it was mostly multiplacation. I am very happy with my product . I like how I made it neat. I don't really think I need to change anything. .E.T P.S. Some of the numbers got cut off so don't leave a comment about that.

Super Sundaes

My portfolio product is super sundaes.It teaches you how to solve mutipilcation problems.During this activity i learned how to solve mutipilcation in different ways.The way i solved the problem was by useing a organized list.I am happy with my final product.I think i did well on solveing the problems and next time i will explain how i solved the problem better.

The Kings Chessboard

1. My portfolio product is The King's Chessboard. The Kings Chessboard is a book about a king who rewards somebodywith a grain of rice doubled for 64 daysso we had to figure out the final number.
2. I learned that if you double something it can get A LOT bigger.
3.Yes I am happy with my final product but next time I will check my work before I finish.

I did super sundays by doing super sundays. I inproved with my multpling and my adashin.I also think

the kings chessbord

The activity sheet. My portfolio product is the kings chessboard . What you do is read the book the book then write

I learned how to double really big numbers. It was one grain of rice and doubled it 64 times.

I am happy with my final product . I hired my hardiest. Next time I would make bigger squares for the chess Bord.CR

The Kings Chessboard

My portfolio product is called The Kings Chessboard.We read the book , and answerd some questions.In the book a king gave a wise man rice every day but,the rice DOUBLED every day.
The king STOPED giving the wise man rice in the middle of the chessboard.Our job was to see rice there would be at the end of the chessboard.

The kind of math i learned was doubling.

I am happy with my final product,and i liked the way i did it.


Unit 3 Portfolio Final Prodect

My portfolio is about multiplying squares and triangles by the number of sides witch would be x4 and x3 it helps me wit my multiplying. I learned how to adimadicly learn 3's and 4's in multiplication. I did well with solving the problems and I would have done a better job on my final product is explaining.SH

Archery Math My Portfolio Product

1)Breifly explain what your portfolio product is.My portfolio product is Archery Math. You have a number you have a goal to get to and you have to try to try to get 5 numbers to get to that number.
2)What math did you learn doing this activity?I learned good stratagies and how to add up with bigger numbers.
3) Are you happy with the final product?What did you do well? What will you do diffrently next time? I am happy with my final product. Next time maybe I can do it on the worksheet so you can see what I'm doing and you can understand how to do it.

Math playground

My portfolio product is math playground its named math playground because its like a playground.

I learn doing my times and devision.

yes I am happy,I did my devision well. I can add a little more next time.

Archery Math

My portfolio product is archery math.You have to find the answers what score people got.

I learned that addition isn't always as easy as you think it is.

Yes I'm happy with my portfolio product.Next time I won't think it is so easy.Because it isn't easy.

Super Sundaes

1) My portifolio prouduct is Super Sundaes, and the kinds of differnt sundaes they could make.

2) I learned multipultion and doing a table.

3) Yes i'm happy, and i think what I did well was doing table for Super Sundaes. I think what I will do differntly is make my work a little harder.


"Whats My Rule?"

My portfolio product is "Whats My Rule?". What you do is you look at a "Whats My Rule?" paper. You need to find out what the rule is. So, if the rule is 3*__= 12, you need to find out what equals 3*__= 12. If you know what 12 /3= 4 so you know the answer is 4.

The math that I did was *. I learned how to * much better in 3 and 4.

Yes, I'm proud of my final product. I did well on the sheet of paper,but next time I could keep trying instead of asking for help.


Number puzzles

My portfolio product is about using equations,arranging,sums and products,and arithmetic signs(+ and -).

I learned that you can't make a odd number out of even numbers with out dividing like 4s.

I am proud of my work.next time I will use different combinations.


Portfolio item

Super Sundays is my portfolio item.I learned how to mach combinations of items together and multibluction. Including a table of 5 by 5. I am happy with my final product.I did good at a organized list.I will next time do multiblucation to salve it.

exit slip

My portfoil product is a exit slip.And you had to find the mode of the qustion.I leard how to respond to a qustion.And to look at a gragh and find the mode.I am happy with my work, next time I will wright more.


Regular Polygon

My portfolio product is Regular Polygon.You have to explain if the shape is regular on a exit slip.I learned what a regular polygon is. It is a polygon that has all same length sides and all equal angles.I am happy with my portfolio product I think I used good sentences and I used good math words.bvd

Friday, October 16, 2009

something upstairs

My question is why did they move in a new house?And why did they buy a house that was built in the 1700's? If I were living in that house I would be creeped out.Why did he want the room? ESPECIALLY IN THE ATTIC!


Somthing Upstairs by avi

I predict that the little boy will hear thing's in his room. Like ghos't ,monster's & stran'g noises.And the ghost will start talking to him.And his famly won't believe him.


predicting to Something Upstairs

I predict that a ghost will come. If a ghost comes i think the ghost would be the person who used to live at the house because the person could have died and became a ghost.


Something Upstairs By Avi (prediction)

1) I predicted that the room is haunted with a ghost, and the ghost is going to steal something from the room because of the title.

2) Kenny is going to get scared, and Kenny could probably want to move out of the room. Also his parents are going to be like, I thought you wanted your big room. Then Kenny's probably going to get in trouble.


Prediction to Someting Upstairs By Avi

My prediction is that the people in the house will start to hear noises coming from upstairs and than they find a dead monster with the spirit haunting the upstairs area ever since the 1700's or 1800's.That's my prediction.

predicting for something upsairs

I think the book will be about a kid named Kenny and he is moving in to a new house. When he moves in,I think he will find ghost that lived there years ago. I think the ghost will try too find a spell book that will bring him back from the dead ,and get revenge on who lives there now.

I predict that the boy will fix up the attic . I think he will make shelves and paint the walls and make as many improvements as he can to make the perfect bed room.


What I predicted was:Kenny and his parents move into the house. They hear a noise and they let it go. They hear it again and they go up stars and . . .

Predictions to something upstairs by Avi

This is my prediction to our read aloud book. I think Kenny will get scared in the middle of the night because he will get scared of the ghost of the guy on the plaque.JA

prdicting to someting up stairs

Predicting to Something Up Stairs
I predict that Kenny will find a ghost. I think that because he said didn't fell alone. I also think that because on the front cover it had ghost hands . I expect this book to be really good.CR

Prediction Something Upstairs by Avi

I predict that a ghost will come because of the picture on the cover with ghost hands. The ghost might be haunting Kenny, the boy who is living in the house because the ghost might want Kenny's books. I wonder what will happen next. SH

Predictions From Something Upstairs By Avi

I'm predicting that the room that Kenny choose is haunted because not one person has lived there for years ,and that there are some mysterious books in the closet that belonged to the person that lived there last. His ghost is probably going to try and scare them out of the house because he doesn't want any one to touch his special books so he will try to scare them out of the house. That is my prediction.


Predictions From Something Upstairs By Avi

I'm predicting that someone who died there before Kenny's parents bought it will come back. He or she will try to take some books that have spells in them. The person who is dead will read a spell to come back to life. After he or she reads the spell,will he or she come back to life?


My Peridiction to Something Upstairs

I predict that a gost is living in the attic. I think that because just by looking at the cover ,and by the way the story sounds so far. I think that Kenny will find out sooner or later.
I predict that there is a ghost in the house becuse there ghost like hands. There is a book that brings the dead a live.

Somthing Upstairs By Avi :My conection by E.T

I have a connection . This book sounds very scary. It almost sounds like me being scared of the dark. Every night,when my dad comes to say goodnight,he turns off the hallway light. Then I have to go turn on my nightlight. Just the cover of the book makes me think of the dark.E.T.


I predict theres a ghost in the house because on the book cover it looks like a ghost trying to get some books out of some ones house.I think the ghost is nice.I think some one that lived there was a ghost.


Something Upstairs Prediction

I think the book has a lot of suspense so far. It makes me want to read all day! Avi used a lot of descriptive, specific details.You always wonder what's going to come next. I think it's going to be really exciting beacause I predict that Daniel, the 1st person who lived there is a ghost that haunts Kenny's new room. D.F.

Prediction to Something Upstairs by Avi

1)I predit that there is going to be a ghost in the attic.
2)I also predict that they are living in a haunted house just how Avi explained it.
3)Another prediction I have is that Kenny and the ghost are going to become friends because Kenny is going to be so scared that he is just going to become friends.
4) The last prediction is that Kenny is not going to tell his parents about the ghost!!

Questions for somthing upstairs

I have a few questions for the book the thing upstairs. What is the thing upstairs?,Does it want anything if it does what? I wonder if the thing upstairs is dead or alive? Is the thing upstairs trying to harm them or does it need help?


Something Upstairs By Avi

Something Upstaires By Avi

My prediction is I think the boy will look around his room and make some changes.I also predict that he will hear noises when he is sleeping and he will wake up and find a ghost.bvd

Something Upstairs By Ava, A preadiction

I preadict that Kenny will haer some strange sounds in his new bedroom , during the night. Then each morning after a fright-filled sleep , will tell his parents. But his parents will not beleave him, still he would keep on tring until the night he finds out what is making the noise......
I preadict that because of the cover, a picture of a ghost reaching for some books.

Something Upstairs prediction

Here are some of my predictions for Somthing Upstairs.

I think there is going to be a ghost in the attic.Also,i think the ghost wants something from the attic.The ghost probably died in the house.And last i think that it would be the ghost of the guy that lived there in like 1798.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Bar Graph Exit Slip

My profile thing that I picked is an exit slip.I learned about bar graphs and that NS isn't the same as mine.Yes I am happy about my final copy.I will probably leave it the same. CH

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Name That Number Record Sheet

1.Name that number is an every day math game that teaches you the answers to a number .2 l learned that different numbers can add up to different numbers.3. I will add a lot more details.

Martian math

my portfolio item is Martain math.You have to give every shape a number.In a + or- problem.I did advanced computation and logic math.Next time Iwould think more logicly.

100 Banaanas

    1.Myproduct is a game called 100 Bananas. It use +,-,and * to get to 100.It use numbers above5. The first one to get to 100 on their calculator wins the game.
    2. I learned how to use+,_ and* to get to 100.
    3.I think I will add some more color and make the board bigger nexts time. I think I did well with using 4th grade numbers

    Monday, October 5, 2009

    my game

    my portfolio product is a game that helps 3rd graders use pencil and paper method.I also learned how to do pencil and paper better .I am happy with my work,what i did good was I helped 3rd graders use pencil and paper. I think i should use better hand writing next time.


    Number Balenceing

    my portfolio item is using +,-,/,*, and algebra to balance numbers. On pan balance problems you learn algebra.

    I'm happy with how it went. I wouldn't do anything different except use better handwriting.


    My portfolio is Neighbors,it is a game where you try to put all the numbers without puting 1 or 2 , 2 or 3 ,3 or 4,4 or 5,5 or 6,6 or 7,7 or 8 by each other.
    This kind of math is a logic problems.
    I am happy with the final product.what I did well is, I did't give up.what I will do defenitly do next time is cut out the numbers. CR


    My portfolio product is neighbors,to do neighbors you had to put all the numbers from 1-8 and not let numbers like 1 and 2 touch.

    I learned logic problems.

    I am very happy with my work. But next time I now that if it is to hard, I need to stop thinking!

    Martian Math

    The portfolio item is martian math.Martian math is when you try to find out what symbols equal the numbers.

    I learned that there are lots of different symbols for numbers.

    Yes I'm happy with it.I thought it was really hard.

    My portfolio is about, an exit slip that explains journel page 45 in my math journal. I learned ,that every answer you add a zero becase the number gets biger every time.
    I am happy with my final product and I did well with the answers on my on my exit slip . I think I didn't do well with explaining the things I'm typing right now.

    name that number

    my portfolio product is name that number you pick five cards out and take out one more and those five you have to try to add up to get that number.

    I learnd how to add.

    yes,looking at the dercictions whats my rule.

    addition and subtraction mania

    1.My portfolio is called Additon and Subtraction Mania!I made this game with CR. I

    will breifly explain my portfolio product is a game. You roll 2 dice and then jump how many points you get.!! Then you do the thing it says on the square, on the ladders you go down to the square it ends on! Who ever gets to FINISH first they win!!!!!

    2. I learned more about +,-,*.

    3.Are you happy with the final product? What did you do well? What will you do differently next time? I'm happy with my project. The thing I will change next time I will make it harder.!

    Saturday, October 3, 2009

    Addition and Subtraction

    My portfolio product is a game. I learned about addition and subtraction. That's not so suprising because my game's name is Addition and Subtraction!!! I am very happy with my product. I made a good game that people want to play. But I would have made it neater. Here's how to play: You need some dice, a peice of scrap paper for each player, the game board, two markers and something to write with. The first player rolls the dice, then moves that many spaces on the gameboard with the marker. Then, write the number you land on, on your scrap paper. Sorry,no finsh line!!


    Friday, October 2, 2009

    exit slip

    My portfolio product is a exit slip that i explained about shapes.During this activity i learened about shapes.I am happy about my product because i described well and i will describe better next time.

    Martian Math

    My portfolio product is Martion Math.I had to give each shape a number , and see if it worked with the problems above.The activity was logic and advanced computation.I am happy with my work

    and next time i will use the number tiles. KT

    Raisin Prediction

    My portfolio product is the Raisin Prediction.

    I learned that a single 1/2 ounce box of raisins can help you predict how much raisins are in a 15 ounce box.

    I am happy with my final but next time I will make a higher prediction and make my prediction less like a guess.


    NUMBER TILE problem

    My portfolio product is number tile problems.I had to add and subtract on it.
    I learned about addition and subtraction.
    I thought I did good.Next time I could not ask Mr Lewis

    pan balance problems

    My portfolio item is pan balance problems.It helps with +,-,/,and* and algebra to balance numbers.

    With this sheet,I learned more / and*.

    If I ever do pan balance numbers again,I will use everything I've learned in math.


    I am looking forward to my next project!!

    Unit 2 Portflio Product

    Unit 2 Portfolio Product

    Fourth Grade

    My portfolio product is explaining how we change the ten millions place to a 1 from the number 873,562,003.

    How to subtract mentally by making anorther number to anorther number in my head.

    Yes i'm happy with my final product, I think Idid really good and what I would do differtnly is try harder to do m y work more neater or just do something more differnt than I did.


    Name That Number

    My portfolio product is NameThat Number and all you have to do is put out five cards and a targrt number.then you have to add and sutract to get the target number.

    I learned how to add and subtract to get a certen number.

    I'm happy with my final product because I added and subtracted well. What I could do better is insted of saying "I can't do it"instead I could do my best.


    math prodoct

    The prdoct was a math game. Named island jump. What I learnd is it might have to find out some big numbers.I am very happy about my prouduct.I tried to make it a two player game.And it was a sucses.Next time I will not coler it in.Because of the coper .



    My portfolio product is pentominoes. To do my portfolio product all you have to do is make all the pieces fit on the rectangular board.

    During this activity I learned geometry.

    Yes I am happy with my final portfolio product and next time I will not look at the answers so it will challenge me next time i do it.
